Mac Os X Lion Download Iso With Crack Updated

Mac Os X Lion Download Iso With Crack

Mac OS X Lion Install USB Boot Drive

I'chiliad going to walk through the process of making a bootable Mac OS X 10.7 Lion installation bulldoze out of any USB wink bulldoze key. This is like to the process of making a bootable Lion installer DVD, just I adopt a USB flash bulldoze because it's faster, smaller, and I take a MacBook Air so an installation DVD isn't too useful for me.

This is pretty piece of cake to practice, but I take made the walkthrough every bit simple as possible with plenty of screenshots, so just follow along the instructions.


Got all that? Good, allow's proceed.

How to Create a Bootable Mac Os Ten Lion Installation USB Bulldoze

We're going to presume you already have Mac Os 10 Panthera leo downloaded from the App Store, if you don't, do that first. If you have anything stored on the USB flash drive yous're going to lose it, then exist prepared for that and back it up.

Starting time we are going to locate the Panthera leo InstallESD.dmg file and mount it:

  • Navigate to your applications folder
  • Right-click (or command-click) on the "Install Mac OS 10 Panthera" and select "Show Package Contents"
  • Open up the "Contents" directory and then go into "SharedSupport"

Lion InstallESD.dmg location

  • Double-click on "InstallESD.dmg" to mount the King of beasts disk image onto your Mac desktop, information technology will testify up similar the epitome below
  • Mac OS X Lion Installer mounted on Mac OS X Desktop

Next, nosotros format the USB flash bulldoze, this will become the bootable Lion installer:

  • Plug the USB wink drive into your Mac
  • Launch Disk Utility
  • Select your USB drive from the left side of Disk Utility, then click on the "Erase" tab
  • Choose "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" as the Format, and proper name the USB central what you want
  • Click on "Erase" to format the USB drive

Format a USB Key to create a Bootable Lion Installer Drive

At present that the USB flash bulldoze has been formatted to the appropriate filesystem, we are going to restore the previously mounted InstallESD.dmg file to the blank USB bulldoze.

  • Right-click on the USB drive in Disk Utility and select "Restore"
  • Restore Lion installer DMG to USB drive

  • Now you need to fix the source deejay for the restore. This is why we mounted the InstallESD.dmg file earlier, because we can just elevate and drib the "Mac Os X Install ESD" image into the "Source" – if you didn't mountain the epitome, you tin manually locate and select the image file yourself by clicking on "Epitome"

Select the OS X Lion installer as source

  • Drag the formatted USB fundamental to the "Destination" and bank check "Erase destination"
  • Exist sure you have the correct things in the right places, y'all don't desire to format the wrong drive – then click on "Restore"

Now you look while the Lion DMG is restored to the USB drive, this can take a while and you'll come across a screen like this:

Create a Bootable Lion Installer Drive

When this is finished, your bootable Mac OS Ten Lion installer drive is complete! Y'all can now boot any Panthera leo compatible Mac with the USB drive, just plug the USB key in, hold down Option during initial kicking, and select the drive. Here's what you'll see upon booting with the drive continued:

Boot Lion USB Installer

From here y'all can format, restore from backups, or reinstall Lion. If yous're wondering about the other drives pictured, it'due south because I am dual booting Lion and Snow Leopard, and "Recovery Hard disk drive" is the small-scale recovery partition that Panthera leo installs on its own. This procedure should work with a standard external USB difficult drive too, but I take not tried that specifically.

Advantages to making a bootable Lion USB drive:

  • You can perform a clean OS X Lion install with the USB drive
  • The King of beasts USB key bulldoze becomes a recovery disk with access to Disk Utility, re-installation, access Time Motorcar backups, and everything the Recovery HD segmentation does
  • You lot will take external media to recover and reinstall Lion in the effect of full bulldoze failure or another catastrophe

Savour Mac OS X x.7 Lion!

Mac Os X Lion Download Iso With Crack

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